(Image: Alfred Thomson; 1937 car crash near Grimston Bar)
Uploaded by Alfred Thomson to the Geograph website, this black and white image shows a vintage car crash scene near Grimston Bar on the outskirts of York, England. The car has rolled over onto its roof, and it’s unclear what injuries (if any) were sustained by the driver, though several faces among those gathered behind appear to be gazing ominously at the ground.
Mr Thomson added this caption: “A photo taken by my father Alfred Thomson. The year is approximate, the 2 inch x 3 inch black and white print was undated and in a box with others dating between 1935 & 1939. The position is also approximate – his note on the back of the print says “Nr Grimston Bar, Military Sunday” The car passing in the background is probably a Humber Snipe, thanks to Nigel Brown for finding a website with good pictures of the type [here].”
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